There is no true substitute for proper and timely sleep in order to maintain the physical and mental health of human body. Sleep ensures that the body gets adequate rest and it serves as a sort of repair mechanism for the body, ensuring we are fit and fine to perform our regular duties. People suffering from insomnia face immense difficulty in going to sleep. Even though they close their eyes,they continue to feel restless and alert. Even a slight disturbance can wake them up.

Lack of sleep used to be a common problem in individuals who are over 50 years old, but the problem has become widespread these days with middle aged people and even youngsters falling prey to sleep sickness or insomnia. Changing lifestyle patterns and anxiety pertaining to education, jobs, personal lives, etc are some of the common factors. Moreover, insomnia is not a disease, but is more of a symptom.It may occur as a result of medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, vertigo and even psychological conditions like obsessive compulsive disorder , schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations,etc.

Insomnia is categorized as primary insomnia and secondary insomnia.While the former involves acute and chronic insomnia, the latter involves temporary insomnia. This condition leads to heightened levels of stress and anxiety in human body due to an increase in the levels of cytokines in the body. In turn, insomnia can also lead to many conditions and problems like headache, vertigo, hypertension, diabetes, vision problems, difficulty in walking, altered tooth, reduced power of thought and analysis.
As in any condition, homeopathy offers a long lasting cure by working on the root cause of the conditions.The treatment method addresses the major ailment that causes insomnia like depression, physical health problems, etc, and also triggers brain cells, lowering the levels of cytokine production.

Homeopathy acts remarkably in reducing hallucinations in people and halting the abnormal discharge of electrons in the brain. Homeocare International offers a new hope for people suffering due to sleep sickness, assuring a new phase of health and happiness.

For a free consultation,contact: 1800-102-2202
Homeocare International Pvt.Ltd,
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Overcome Insomnia through Homeocare

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