Cold and cough are very common and occur more frequently. However, they might not be serious but irritating. They can occur during weather changes, coming into contact with allergens like dust, mites, and pollen, or due to virus and bacterial infections. Cold and cough can also persist for one or two weeks and annoy you too much. Cold and cough more commonly affect small children due to coming into contact with other children, low immunity, lack of maintaining hygiene levels, etc.
Homeopathy treatment eases their symptoms safely and protects you and your loved one from cold and cough by boosting the immune system and restoring the body’s natural healing power. Homeopathy treatment is safe, effective, and does not have any side effects. Moreover, it is suitable for all age groups, from infants to old.
Symptoms of Cold and Cough
You may experience the following symptoms with cold and cough :
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Hoarseness
- Congestion
- Fever
- Headache and body aches
- Chills and sweat
- Ear pain
- Throat pain
- Difficulty breathing or wheezing
Causes of Cold and Cough
The symptoms of cold and cough include:
- Age
- Weak immune system
- Season
- Exposure
- Not maintain the adequate hygiene level
- Allergens
- Viral and bacterial infections
Homeopathy Treatment for Cold and Cough
Children are likely to be more susceptible because of exposure to other children, playing outside in the dust, and pollution, poor hygiene level, and weak immunity, etc. Homeopathy treatment for cold and cough is safe, effective, and has no side effects. It will suit your children as well as elders. Homeopathy treatment helps to relieve symptoms like throat pain and soreness, fever and chills, and body aches. Moreover, homeopathy boosts immunity and improves overall health, so your body can fight off germs and make more resistance power.
Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment for Cold and Cough
Our expert homeopathy doctors at Homeocare International treat cold and cough using constitutional homeopathy treatment based on symptoms and individualization. Constitutional homeopathy treatment aims to improve the immune system to reduce the susceptibility of preventing a cold and cough. Our Expert Homeopathy Doctors at Homeocare International prescribe the most appropriate homeopathic remedy after studying many factors of the disease, including past and present health history, family history, causative factors, physical, mental, and emotional condition of the child/adult.
Please call our toll-free number 1800-102-2202 for more information on constitutional homeopathy treatment for Cold and Cough at Homeocare International.